Three Coins

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Financial literacy for families

The consumer world in which children are growing up today is fundamentally different from that of previous generations. This presents parents with major challenges: How much pocket money is appropriate? What does my child really need and how do I deal with special requests? We want to offer support and have developed special formats for the needs of parents.

The SCHOTTERBANDE – for a playful introduction to the world of money

SCHOTTERBANDE is a co-operative board game that captivates children with an exciting superhero story and enables them to develop important money management skills along the way. The content is specifically tailored to the developmental level and needs of primary school children. Another key element is the accompanying booklet for parents, which provides the right tools to accompany basic topics in an age-appropriate way.

The development of SCHOTTERBANDE was funded by aws impulse XS of the BMDW and implemented by aws.

The Raiffeisen banks of Lower Austria and Vienna were our enabling partner and main sponsor of the first SCHOTTERBANDE edition.

Parents’ workshop “Talking about money with children”

Most people learn how to deal with money within the family. However, many parents are unsure how to broach the subject of money with their children and teach financial education.

In this workshop, we will look at the following topics:

  • What is financial literacy and why is it important?
  • What money skills are age-appropriate for children?
  • How do I teach good money management in everyday life?
  • Pocket money – how much, when and how?

This parents’ evening is held regularly as a webinar in cooperation with Bildung & Beratung Geldleben and LEA – Let’s Empower Austria. The current dates can be found on the respective websites.


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Videos for parents

We’ll show you how to talk to your children about money in an age-appropriate way. After all, most children learn their first steps in dealing with money at home. To ensure that parents are prepared for the numerous questions and challenges, we have developed a video series for ING in Austria that addresses the most important basics for teaching good money management in short informational bites.

Money Workbook

The earlier the topic of money is discussed with children in a realistic and age-appropriate way, the better for their later money life. We have therefore designed an interactive booklet on the subject of money for children aged between 6 and 10 – with puzzles, search pictures, colouring templates and much more.

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