Financial literacy for companies
Financial stress is not only detrimental to personal well-being, but also has a negative impact on organisations, the economy and society. The consequences range from stress-related illnesses to the withdrawal of those affected from civil society. Companies play an important role as leaders and can make a big difference when it comes to financial literacy.
Zasteria is an innovative e-learning tool that teaches employees how to handle money well in a realistic and personalised way. Little effort, great effect – for companies and employees.
This content strengthens employees’ financial skills:
- 70 content modules to choose from
- Personalised educational journey
- over 350 minutes of content, videos, quizzes and challenges
- 25 awards to win and 22,100 points to earn
Workshops for apprentices
With the first money come the first thoughts of freedom – and you’ve already fallen into the consumer trap. Wrong behaviour patterns develop quickly when dealing with money. The figures are especially alarming for apprentices. That’s why it’s particularly important to talk to this target group about money.
Our educational format for apprentices has been specially designed to meet the needs of the target group. It is so flexible that it can be used both in the (vocational) school environment and directly in the company. To ensure that it generates the greatest possible added value, we are also happy to tailor it to the specific needs of your company.
Financial education is essential in many areas of our lives. To close all (educational) gaps, we evaluate, develop and implement – preferably together with partners. This results in effective products.
Some projects that were created in co-development with partners:
- The free online course “Gut mit Geld” (Good with money) guides all participants on their personal money journey towards good money management.
- For the Erste Financial Life Park, we worked with the Vienna Stock Exchange and the serious gaming experts at ovos to create a new online challenge on the topic of retirement planning and investing – the FLiP Investment Challenge.
- Together with the Burgenland Chamber of Labour, we developed the AK Infothek and the smartphone game “Dein Leben, deine Entscheidung“.
- As part of the GeldHeldinnen project, the Money Messenger, a six week long messaging campaign, and a brochure for (expectant) mothers were created in collaboration with the state of Lower Austria and the wendepunkt association.
Is financial education important to your company? Would you like to help more people lead a free and self-determined life? We are here for you! Depending on your needs, we can start with a basic workshop on the topic of financial literacy and possible strategies to strengthen it or we can support you and your team in strategic and content-related issues relating to existing plans and projects.
We are happy to share our expertise and experience from the last ten years with you. Our repertoire ranges from knowledge of financial literacy and behavioural science to the right approach to the target group, gamification and games, the right choice of technology and media and scientific impact measurement.
In recent years, we have advised on the National Strategy for Financial Education and the European Forum Alpbach amongst others.
Project management
Your company is already active in the field of financial education, but lacks the necessary resources. In this case too, we are the right partners and will be happy to take over the ongoing project management for your financial literacy project. Whether it’s stakeholder management, the coordination of external and internal resources or steering until the goal is achieved – we have been managing financial literacy projects with passion and success for years.
For example, we have been running KARDEA! – the first Austria-wide financial education prize for pupils.